Space and Science

About Explore Space and Science


Explore Space and Science aims to assist people all over the world (and you) in learning about space and the solar system and associated sciences of interest.

The Basics - Summary about what we do

We believe there is gap in awareness of what is out there in space around us in our solar system, and the opportunities that exist.

People interested in space, or its related sciences (including educators and students at school), may find it a challenge to find good and reliable materials or resources online. It may also be a challenge to easily and efficiently learn about these subjects in a way that is not overly complicated or time consuming.

We produce high quality, easy to understand, space and science related materials.

Please feel to continue to our resources available on our homepage or contact us.

Why Learn Space Related Sciences?

Space related sciences (physics, engineering, computer science, robotics, geology, mathematics etc.) can be applied to empowering us to live and solve challenges on Earth as well as out in space.

While there is increasingly more news every day about space based discoveries and missions, people may be interesting in learning about the how and the why instead of the just what is happening currently with regard to space.

Difficulty Level of Material

The material we will be sharing is of various levels but school students should be able to understand the bulk of the material.

Website URL

Note: The Explore Space and Science site / portal is currently hosted as part of our Analysis Tools website. Learning space related science is enabled by the use of these tools.

Who Created This Website?

Jay, also referred to as RL / JL in other places, is the creator of the content on this site is the same person who created and programmed this website with HTML and CSS, using the programming language of ASP.NET C#.

About the Author / Fellow Explorer

I believe our future is tied to space, and the exploration of our solar system.

Studied a BSC in Computer Science at the Universtiy of Cape Town, and 2 years of higher level pure Mathematics as part of the course work, as well as courses Physics, Astronomy and Oceanography. I have 15+ years experience in internet based information systems, databases and websites.

Have been building space based scientific analysis tools for the last 4 years.

Experience with Technologies: Experienced with C#, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, GPS device queries, marking locations on Google Maps, SQL Server Databases and advanced data analysis with SQL queries, C++ and writing IoT (Internet of Things) projects using Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega microcontrollers, using sensors (light, temperature, humidity, air quality, ultrasonic distance detection), accelerometers, RGB LED lights, robotics (rover chassis, servo motors), making IoT projects that can report real world sensor information to the internet or websites, or receive commands via the internet from websites.

I am a life long learner and I am currently continuing to study space based sciences. My latest focus is on geology, learning more about the processes that shape the landscapes of planets and moons.

Note from the Author / Fellow Explorer

It's my hope that you will find these sciences as interesting and useful as I have.

Thank you for being here. My wish is that your journey of these sciences is interesting, exciting and useful, and that you can also play a part in solving the challenges we face on Earth and in inspiring people to think about where we are and our future.

Being an explorer of these subjects, taking part in the next phases of exploring our neighborhood further, on Earth, in the solar system, and beyond.

- RL / JL

Please feel free to continue to our resources available on our homepage or contact us.

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